
Silent Sinus Syndrome

So back in July, I had an ENT appoinment to figure out why I was losing my sense of smell and after a CT scan and a follow up, it was determined that I had Silent Sinus Syndrome.  What the heck is that you ask? Well here is a brief description:

"Silent sinus syndrome is a spontaneous, asymptomatic collapse of the maxillary sinus and orbital floor associated with negative sinus pressures. It can cause painless facial asymmetry , diplopia and enophthalmos. Usually the diagnosis is suspected clinically, and it can be confirmed radiologically by characteristic imaging features that include maxillary sinus outlet obstruction, sinus opacification, and sinus volume loss caused by inward retraction of the sinus walls. Treatment is surgical involving making an outlet for mucous drainage from the obstructed sinus."

And here is an image:

So I was put on the surgery list, and finally had the procedure last Wednesday.
The recovery has been OK, not sure what to expect as there is not alot of information out there.  My neck was incredibly sore the day after, and my face feels like I was a punching bag. 

The first two days were good, but yesterday and today, there is alot of pressure and pain.  My left eye is also tender and I have a wicked headache.  I am not sure if this is normal, but I hope so! I'm going to call the doctor tomorrow if it's like this when I wake up.

I have been doing the sinus rinse as instructed, but my nose feels more stuffed up now.  Like I said, not sure if this is normal, there isn't lot of information out there.

Hopefully someone knows something!